Training Center Grenoble

The Grenoble training center has been offering excellent training courses since 2015. It is located 1km from the SNCF station and is also accessible with the A480 motorway. Lyon Saint-Exupéry International Airport is accessible in 1 hour (by train or car).

Benefit from ideal training conditions and special equipment such as a selection of protection relays, different test objects and models as well as a wide range of test equipment.

Please also have a look at our trainings taking place in the training Center Cergy-Pontoise/Grenoble.


Chez REGUS Grenoble Centre
155, cours Berriat
38028 Grenoble

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Travel Information


从司法宫 (Palais de Justice) 乘坐 C5 公交到“Berriat, Le Magasin”公交站下车。
经由 A480 高速公路按照交通指示前往格勒诺布尔市中心。从 2 号出口前往 Rue Ampère,将车辆停放在附近的“Square des Fusillés”停车场。
穿梭巴士大约每 40 分钟一班,往返于里昂-圣埃克苏佩里国际机场和格勒诺布尔火车站之间。
从火车站步行出“Europole”口后直行,直至到达“Square des Fusillés”旁边的“cours Berriat”。 培训中心位于“Square des Fusillés”另一侧(前“Bouchayer Viallet”所在地)。


4 min
10 min
11 min
Hôtel Novotel Grenoble
8 min
10 min
11 min

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