End-to-End testing using the closed-loop-iteration approach of RelaySimTest



EPCOR Utilities Inc. 电力公司位于加拿大亚伯达省的埃德蒙顿市,目前正升级其 72 kV 输电网的线路保护系统。 因此,该公司采用了一种基于系统的方法来进行端到端的测试,使用软件来模拟测试电网的所有相关部分。


System Based Testing of a 72 kV Line Protection Scheme at EPCOR (1 MB)
RelaySimTest, CMC, test set, System Based Testing, Line Protection Scheme, end-to-end testing, Relay performance, transient behavior, Current transformer performance, Static State Sequence Simulation, Dynamic Simulation, permissive overreaching transfer trip, POTT, line impedance, source impedance, arc resistance, pre-fault and post-fault load flow, fault location and fault type, simulation of CT saturation, Closed Loop, Netsim, Line Impedance, Measurement, Iterative Closed-Loop, Line Differential, Distance Functions, Closed Loop Testing, Protection Under-Reaching, Protection Residual Compensation,Distance Zone Calculation
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