Circuit Breaker Testing Around the World 1 | North America
Learn about the types of circuit breakers used in the United States and how are they tested.
Circuit Breakers are the most essential assets for turning on and off any connections in the power grid. Different regions in the world use very different circuit breakers, and very different testing methods.
In our new Energy Talks mini-series, called “Circuit Breaker Testing Around the World”, we look at the different types of circuit breakers and testing methods used in various regions of the globe. OMICRON circuit breaker testing expert Stefan Achberger is your host.
In this first episode, Stefan speaks with Charles Sweetser, an OMICRON electrical apparatus testing expert in the United States, who has many years of experience testing circuit breakers.
Charles describes how the preference for circuit breakers in North American has evolved to favor dead tank technology at higher voltage levels. He explains the types of tests performed on them to get essential information about their performance and insulation integrity, even when testing time is limited.
Lastly, Charles offers tips for ensuring that measurements can be reliably compared to manufacturer specifications.
Learn more about circuit breaker testing and find a testing solution here:
Switchgear Testing
Be sure not to miss our second episode of this mini-series: Circuit Breaker Testing Around the World | Europe
“The preference for circuit breakers in the United States has moved towards dead tank technology in high-voltage areas – their footprints are smaller and they are fully grounded for added safety.”
- Charles Sweetser, Electrical Apparatus Testing Expert, USA